Nutritional Therapy & Coaching

What is nutritional therapy? Nutritional therapy is the evidenced-based approach to the promotion of health through dietary and lifestyle changes. It encourages the use of good, natural, wholesome food to support and help the body. It aims to identify and address the root cause of underlying health conditions and with appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes encourage the body to heal itself naturally. As the old saying goes 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away', has at its core (excuse the pun) the concept of nutritional therapy.

What does holistic actually mean? Quite simply, holistic means dealing with or treating the whole of something, not just a part. “The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts” expresses the principle of holism – a term coined by the South African statesman Jan Smutts in 1926. The word holistic is derived from the greek ‘hólos’ hence the spelling, but I like to think of ‘whole’ as being more descriptive, hence Wholeistic.
My approach to nutritional therapy.
I am a CNM-trained nutritional therapist supporting clients with a range of health conditions back to optimal health. My aim is to focus on diet and lifestyle changes to support the body's natural healing, bringing everything into balance, and to create an environment for the body to repair, restore and rebuild. I have a mind, body, spirit approach as encapsulated in the principles of holism. I focus on building a relationship with you, encouraging and empowering you to embrace a healthy way of living and eating and to give you the foundation to carry this through life.